Monday, January 31, 2011

New Old Ephemera

New Old Ephemera.

I got a bunch of these Harper's Young People.
Most dated late 1800's.
I'm going to research them, but
could not wait to show you.

I love the picture on the left.
She is so serene, so beautiful.
Cannot decide what I feel about the right one.
What is she trying to express?

This is how I happy I look when I do housework. =)

More covers.

Thanks for coming by

barbara jean

Sweet and EASY Valentines

My friend Lydia,
of Home Living Blog,

has made these sweet and easy valentine's.
She has the easy instructions listed too.

And here is another 'sweet' idea from a couple posts down on her blog.

You will want to take some time exploring, as she has tons of cute ideas,
and bunches of practical hints and tips for every day living.

Thanks Lydia, for your wonderful blog!!

Monday blessings all

barbara jean

Sunday, January 30, 2011

String Holders... and more

I have wanted to make a string holder for some time.
Then I got a few of these spindley kind of things.
I thought how much cuter would it be than a plain dowel to hold it.

So, I just cut a circle of wood, and drilled a hole in it
the size of the hole in the bottom of the spindle.
(is that the right name for them?)
I stained the base to match the spindle as best I could,
glued the dowel into both pieces.....
and..... What do you think???
Too cute??
I love it!!!

And here are some spindles with wool still on them
from the Pendleton Woolen Mills.
Love those colors!

Whoa! What about this one with bright red thread on it?
That might be cute on a base just for decoration.

So, what do you think of these?
I have enough for 4 more,
and there are 4 more rolls of that cool brown twiny stuff. =)
Or I could make some with those spindles that have yarn on them.

Any other creative uses for these?
Now, I'm trying to decide what to do with this adding machine.

It was great filler when I did not have much inventory for the store,
but, that is no longer the case, and I could use the room now.
I cannot decide whether to keep trying to sell it,
or take off the buttons, and take it all apart,
and see how it ticks inside.
Might be some really cool stuff to use.
What do you think??

Thanks for coming by.
So much more to show you another day.


barbara jean

More Free Valentines


More free Valentines from the Vintage Bag Lady.

She has several more on her post, HERE.

Be sure to thank her and tell her I set you! =)


barbara jean

Flower Tutorial from Karen

My new blogger friend Karen,
at Todolwen
has posted a tutorial on the cute little paper flowers she made.
Click on her blog name to see it.

And be sure to welcome this sweet gal to blogland. =)

Blessings all

barbara jean

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Little of This and That

A bit of Valentine's

New clock

New mirror

Some sweetness for you.

Sunday Blessings

barbara jean

PS I have sooo many new fun things to show you next week.
Toughest thing: Deciding which to show first. =)

Another Beautiful Nest from my Tutorail

Thea, from Holland, (Crea by Thea) has done this beautiful nest
from my flower nest tutorial.
She also does many other beautiful creative treasures,
like this lovely pillow.

I do hope you will go visit.
I'm going back to see other wonderful posts by her,
and make yet another new blogger friend!!

And thank you to Agnes, where Thea found the tutorial.
She is a fun and wonderfully creative blogger too.
And, she makes bird nests too.
You know I gotta love that!

Blessings on your day, and thanks for your visit.

barbara jean

Friday, January 28, 2011


Here are some free tags for you from


Thanks June!!
June has a lovely blog and shares her sweetness with us.
She also sells her collage sheets at such reasonable prices.

I hope you will go check her out.

blessings all and Happy Weekend!

barbara jean

Is it Silver Sunday Today?

I seem to be finding lost of silver things lately.
More silver watch cases.
(anyone use these?)

Fuzzy looking watch fronts, bands, backs....
(fuzzy ones are hard to find) =)
oops. A few Gold ones got in here too.

But here is what I really wanted to show you.
Silver butter knives.

Love them, and these are going straight to the store,
just like they are.
(I love tarnish!)

Gorgeous patterns..
and unusual designs.

Thanks for the visit.

This is the day the Lord has made,
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Whether I feel like it or not!


barbara jean

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh Such Cuteness!!!

I just told you about my new friend Karen's' blog
a couple of days ago.

Well, look what she has made.
Isn't that the cutest little bouquet and 'vase' you have ever seen?
She even tells how she made it!
(I'm gonna be going out and looking for punches tomorrow.) =)

And when you go over, check out her little nest too.
You know me, I LOVE nests, and this one is very special.

Great job on your blog and your creations Karen!!

Thanks for coming by everyone.
Happy Friday!


barbara jean

Silver & Gold for you.... And some black too.

I showed these silver buckles a while back.

Well, here are some gold/brass ones too.
And hearts! Just in time for Valentines Day.
Any project you'd like to do with these?
There are bunches!!
Told you I am cleaning out!!

I found these metal shoe thingies at the flea market.
The guy said they were used to form shoes to make them.
Is that what they are for??
Well, does not really matter.
They were old, black, and cool.
So, of course I bought them!

Here is a close up of the one on the right.
Anyone know what the numbers, letter mean?

Look what else I found.

These wonderful black shoes.
What do you think?
Black ribbon for laces???
Any other ideas??

Here is a close up of the detail
Not sure if they are old or not,
but sure think they are cool.
And here is me, helping a friend clean.
So much more fun cleaning someone elses house,
than my own. =)

Speaking of fun....
Here is my Mom, at dinner for her 80th birthday.
We also gave her a big pizza party and invited all her friends.


I found them!!
Somehow, they went from already published, to a spam file.
So, when I marked one spam, they all went there.
Now, it did let me to mark them 'not spam'
and they published!!! Whew!!!
Thought I had lost all your niceness. =)

Who knows about blogger anyway.
Sometimes, sure tries my patience.

blessings on your day, and thanks for helping.

barabara jean

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Has anyone else lost any comments people have left?
I suddenly have several posts that the comments are all gone!
Zero comments, when there had been lots!!

Please, someone tell me this is a temporary thing,
like when you lose who you follow for a bit.



barbara jean

Kitchen Kaboodle and Camera too

change to differnt date before posting
Here is a "new" kitchen gadget at the store.
Took me awhile just to figure out what it was.
I had it upside down here.
Wouldn't it be a cute little pot holder this way??
(Or maybe two bird nests??)

It folds flat. What a handy little gadget.
Here it is right side up.
I think it may be a french fry cutter.
But, it's from England.
Do they make French fries there??
Top view. Interesting and versatile piece, don't you think?
And here is my "new" movie camera.
Sweet, huh??

This is the slim version with convenient carry handle on top.
Can you believe this used to be the small movie camera?
Amazing how they have made things smaller and smaller.

Thanks for coming by.


barbara jean

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Little Booklets - Finishing Touches

Here are more of my little booklets I've been making from
Renae's My Little Raggedy Blessings pictures.
Renae's pictures are so sweetly done,
it takes just the smallest treasures to finish them off.

a bow
(think I may glitter the wings and little flowers too)
a little key

My fave, a special order for someone.
Added a love banner, cheesecloth, and button.
On the inside page it says:
"I love you because"...

These little booklets are about 3x4" with 8 pages inside.
They can be written in by you, for a special someone,
or given for them to write in..
Sweet and simple.

Thank you Renae for sharing your talent with us.

More cuteness to come.

Blessings on your day, and thanks for coming by.

Barbara jean