Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More Fun and Beautiful Creations

This is part of a corner of Burgundy's and Gold's.
Click on photo to enlarge, and let me know if you have questions about anything.
This beautiful, old secretary belonged to my husband's grandmother.
We are not parting with that, but the glassware in it is available.
There are tea cups and saucers, sugar and creamers, candles, and little lavender sachets.

This jolly guy was not hand-carved here, but it was hand-painted by one of my students.
She did a wonderful job.

This bird cage may be a "re-run", but is a lovely piece.
The gold decor just sits in it, so you can take it out and fill it with decor for other seasons.

For some reason other photos did not load so will show you the newest lovelies next time.
Blessings on your day.

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Barbara Jean