Monday, January 26, 2009


Another giveaway for you my friends:

She has a ton of wonderful 'stuff' to give away for her 200th blog!!

Good Luck everyone!!

Regarding my bird nest tutorial:
You are all welcome to use it make things to sell, pass on to friends, and I would love it if you linked to my site so others can see all the ides you can do with them.

Please, out of creative courtesy, do not put it together to sell as a tutorial.
Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement.

Barbara Jean


  1. Barb,
    You were correct about me and Dawn. She is the one that got me started blogging. I had followed her for several months and then in Dec. she challenged us non-bloggers to take the plunge. It has opened up a whole new world for me as one blog leads to another. My head is swimming. I will be glad when the newness wears off and things settle into a routine of creativity. Can't wait to make some bird nests.
    Thanks, Candy

  2. You are the second person to ask me that. I have tried to research but have not found where I came across that adorable pic. I think I found it on the web somewhere but just not sure. You are welcome to use it and if I ever figure out where it came from I will let you know.

  3. Barb, Thank-you for your sweet comments on my blog. I so love it when people visit! I'm adding you to my blogs I follow. I really enjoyed your tutorial on making birds nest. Keep up the beautiful work. I can tell everything you do is a labor of love. Blessings always dear friend, Deborah

  4. Barb, Thank-you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. I so love it when people visit! I really liked the tutorial on making birds nest.Keep up the beautiful work. I can tell all your work is a labor of love! I'm adding you to the, blogs I follow so I won't miss a thing! Blessings Always, Deborah

  5. Well I found the picture. (click arrow for categories--children) He does beautiful work.
    Enjoy! Candy

  6. Thank you so much sharing the tutorial! I found you at Dawn's and am sooooooooo glad I jumped over to visit. LOVE the nest! I had a baby shop called Nonnie Nest so... you can see I have a fondness.

  7. After I sent you the first link I found out a little more. The painter's name is ARTHUR HOPKINS. Try this: GOOGLE Arthur Hopkins then click on a page with all different sizes of this picture should appear. Hope this works for you.

  8. Barb,Candy from Rock Candy tagged me. And now I'm tagging you. If you choose to play,you can find the rules on my blog.If not at least you'll get visitors to your blog. This was a good lesson for me as I'm just learning to link blog to blog. Blessings dear friend, Deborah

  9. Hi Barb! Tag! You're IT! You're invited to participate in a "get to know each other blogging event". If you'd like to join in, all you have to do is list 7 things about yourself that are weird or wonderful, serious or whimsical - it's up to you! Then list 7 other bloggers you'd like to invite, let them know they've been invited, and post all of this on your blog. It's fun and a great way to spread the word about your blog.
    Hope you'll join in! I've been tagged by Candy at and will be posting mine today!

  10. Barb,
    My other friend who also inquired about the girl at the door photo. I gave her the same info and she is having her hubby order one for her BD. TODAY FREE SHIPPING. I am going over to check out myself right now.
    FYI< Candy

  11. Hi Barb

    I was also tagged by Diane and thought I'd stop by and visit your blog. What a great bird nest turorial ~ you did a great job making it clear and understandable. I never thought about making one before but now I want to give it a try!

    Kindly, ldh

  12. Sweet Barb, You are under no pressure to take part in this, it's just for fun. This type of thing can take alot of time.So don't worry , be happy! There will be plenty of time for this later. LOVE YA GIRL! BLESSINGS ALWAYS, Deborah


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean