Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hello Everyone!!

Since we lost Scott's Mom in mid December, I've been pretty slack in writing anything, other than passing along everyone elses contests. I'm sure you all understand that.

I'm feeling a little better past couple of days, so here's what's happening in my little world.

Christmas at the shop is over, except for cleaning up the mess.
Started taking it all down after the store closed tonight. Got a lot done.
I have help coming Monday and Tuesday, but was able to do a lot tonight and did not even hurt myself lifting too much. (that's a good thing, as Martha would say). =0)

I have a terrific idea for a new area around the fireplace which will totally change the look of things.
I'm really exited. I've already been scrounging to find display pieces.
You know when you have just what you want in your mind, you can't find it?
Well, I've found some of the things I want right there in the back room. Amazing what you can find when you clean up the place a little!!! =0))
And one idea is leading to another, and, and, well, you know. The excitement begins!!!
Can't wait to surprise everyone with it, both here in blog land, and my friends when they come in.

I'm also working on some valentine ideas. Well, actually, I don't really do just Valentine's day things, I kind of do more 'generic' pink and red that can be used anytime. Pink being my favorite right now.

So, hold on to your hats ladies. Good things are right around the corner!!

Have a blessed Sunday.

hugs and many thinks for all the prayers,

Barbara Jean

PS Speaking of little things in my world, our new little grand daughter is a sweetie, and
she and her sisters and brother always manage to bring a smile to my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara,
    Just stoppin in to check out Treasures From My Heart! It's so pretty here...
    Have a beautiful day!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean