Thursday, January 29, 2009

My tag at last!

OK my patient friends.

I finally figured how to at least get names up for you to click on and get to.
If you will go the 'tagged' blog (2 blogs back) on being tagged, you will find my 7 things about myself, and, sorry, only 4 places to be tagged. Will try to put more together. (found some I was not able to get to.?)
I have put the names of some of my favorite places in the column at the right of my blog.

Please click on the names listed from my blog to get you there.

I am taking one baby step at a time, and do so appreciate all your help and patience.

hugs and blessings friends,

Barbara Jean


  1. Hi Barb! Hmmm...can't highlight in your posts...I'm not sure unless I can actually see what your page format looks like, what to tell you.
    I'm also a computer challenged lady who learned one task at a time! LOL!
    Otherwise, I was always scared I'd click on something and the entire computer would disappear! =:-O

    Hang in there! I'm sure there are folks who can help. You're doing great!


  2. Hi Barbara Jean! thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I get so excited to find new comments and new friends! I love your birdnests...I will try to make one. As you can see from my winter wonder land tour I love sticks! i have left some of them up and one of your birdnests would look cute perched down in them. I always love finding other sistas in the Lord! Have a greatly blessed weekend!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean