Monday, January 19, 2009

Paper Roses

I learned something new, quite by accident!

I was getting the door prize for the store drawing ready. Now, since I have been in blog land, I see how fancy everyone does things. You know, foo foo up packages with ribbons, fancy wrap and all.
So I thought i would do my gift bag of prizes a littler fancier.

I had two presents, one rectangular, and one cylindrical. I decided to roll them up in tissue paper and tie the tops with a big bow. ( a big improvement over stuffing them in the bag with tissue paper on top).
When I rolled up the first one i had about 9" of paper sticking out the top! What on earth was i going to do with that? OK, I'll just try cutting some off and 'fluffing' it, and see what happens. I started separating the the layers of paper, and when i got done I had accidentally made a huge rose! It was great!!
Then I set to work doing the second one. So cute. I dabbed a little pink acrylic paint on the edges, added a leaf to one, tied on bows, and finished the bag by tying on a scripture bookmark, and a tea rose to the outside.

I'm so excited about giving this bag away. (maybe they will try to save the roses when they open the gifts). =0))

Now I have tried some small roses.
I received my order from the tea rose lady (paper roses with actual tea bags inside. You put the whole thing in your tea cup!!) Wonderful, but i just hate to put the roses in and ruin them.
I did discover in looking at her roses, that they are somewhat like how mine ended up. Much better of course, since she is more experienced than I am.
I've shown my Bible Study ladies, and now we are getting together to make 40 paper roses, (no tea bags) for the senior Valentine's luncheon coming up. They will use them as corsages for the ladies.
I love learning something new and then being able to share with others.
Speaking of sharing:
Bird Nest Tutorial
(Love that word, tutorial. sounds so 'bloggish', and professional). =0)
See you soon with more fun gift ideas, small, easy and affordable..
Barbara Jean


  1. Hi Barb,

    So glad you found inspiration from the Valentine cone ! Lucky you to find some cones like that.

    I'd love to see the finished product and would love to post it on my blog pressure though !

    i know what it's like when inspiration hits family doesn't get fed dinner !


  2. I love blog language...
    LOVE "foo foo" packaging~
    Sweet blog! Thanks so much for stopping by~

  3. Do you have a step by step tutorial on how you created such pretties? What angle did you cut the tops and how many layers of tissue paper? Fun!

  4. Gosh...the things we find by's wonderful.
    Came across the word tutorial many years ago...while ina PhotoShop class.. we had to use it SO OFTEN refering to it..we cut it down to "tut"...for short. But is nice to say that word.



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Barbara Jean