Thursday, April 30, 2009

Beautfiul Bird Baths

We have anew vendor at the store.
Karen is a local gal (as are all our vendors).
She does these beautiful ceramic bird baths and indoor table decor.
Each piece is beautifully put together with just the right pieces to make a stunning piece of art work.
The ones in these two pics are about 3' tall and meant as outdoor baths.
This is a pic of all of them out in front of the shop. (it does not do them justice!!)
The smaller ones in the front (about 12" tall) have been moved inside and added to existing displays.
(sorry, forgot to get pics inside. Maybe tomorrow).

We have also brought a lot of new garden decor out.
This is our first anniversary Celebrations Weekend and we are having 10% discount and drawings, and prizes and gifts, and lots of fun.

Hope some of you can come by for a visit.

Great Mom's Day gifts available too.

Blessings to all,
Barbara Jean


  1. Those bird baths are so unique - I thought they were miniatures -surprised that some were large! Beautiful!

  2. Beautiful the last pic I love the 2 in the back.....

    Stopped in to wish you a great weekend!!

    XO melissa

  3. Oh how neat! I just bought a bird bath but it is more of an inside one LOL. These are great!

    All the best,


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean