Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Nest Ideas

Thought of another idea for our nests.
How about some cute little signs that can be poked in to send whatever message you would like.
(I put two in this one so you could see some of the words)
I made these by printing off the words i wanted. I put them on sticky blank address labels so they would have some thickness to them and be more durable. /Cut them out then lay them on a toothpick, and used tacky, glue stick, of glue runner to hold them in place. You can always use a clothespin to hold them in place while they dry.
You can use an ink pad or acrylic paint to dry brush around the edges so they are not quite so stark if you'd like.
These are the ones left undone.
This one must be so special it did not want to delete off the page. =0))
You can see the little banner with the dry brushed method on here.

Barbara Jean.

Oh. we are supposed to be without Internet service for 3 days starting tonight.
I'm hoping this will not be the case, but if it is you'll know why i am not posting.



  1. That spoon is adorable - love your style!

  2. Great ideas, really enjoyed seeing the wonderful images :-)

  3. Awe - i love these little flower nests w/the eggs! So cute....would be darling in my kitchen cloche! xoox, Tracie


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean