Thursday, April 23, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - Garage Transformation

This is the front of the garage at my store.
It has looked like this for almost a year.
About time to do something with it, but oh so hard to decide what.

This is the first step, and though my cry out to blogland got a lot of requests for murals, time and weather did not allow for it at that time.
My friend Sue helped my get the fence, door and sign up. She was so very patient as I hemmed and hawed about what to put where.
We are coming upon our 1 year anniversary of opening the store, so thought i better get with the program and get it 'cuted' up.
My friend Sheri helped me pull things out of the shed and the garage.
We actually had quite a bit of loot by the time we got done.
This is the view toward the left side of it.
And here is the view from the front. Turned out pretty cute i think and there is still more to go.
Of course the store, and this area, are ever changing as we sell, bring out and even buy more.

Thanks Sue and Sheri!!! Couldn't have done it without you. =0))

OK.. Everyone get on over to Kelli's for more Show and Tell Friday!!

Kelli-show and tell Friday

Blessings to all, and Happy Friday!

Barbara Jean


  1. I Love it !!!!!!
    It is sooooooo adorable and cute and happy in a spring time way.
    Thank you for the update, and the great pictures too!
    Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Looks great sis! You did a good job.I woul dstay away from the mural idea. it is too permanent and you like to change things more often than that.
    Enjoy your blog.R

  3. Hi Barbara Jean..
    Great transformation.. It looks terrific. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a Great Weekend.

  4. I would so stop here for a lookey look..and probably leave with a truckload of treasures!



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Barbara Jean