Monday, June 22, 2009

Second time around Tuesday.

Diane @ a Picture is Worth a "Thousand Words


Three or More Tuesday

@ Gypsy Corner

Three or More Tuesday

I'm doing a combined post again this week.

Be sure after you read here you go on over to
visit the other great sites with goodies on them!!

Thank you to our lovely hostesses!!

My 3 or more is


I'm not sure how I have accumulated so many.
They just seem to catch my eye.

So, I buy them.

And buy them.

and buy them!!!

I fill them with my nests.

And fill them with nests and other treasures.

Like these.

And drape them with lace, like this.
I just love 'em!!


Second time around Tuesday

OK. What is it???

I recognize the letter opener.
And I think a little curling iron.

But what are the other things??

Blessings on your day everyone.
thanks for coming by.

Barbara jean


  1. The round egg shaped thing is a sock darner. They would put the sock on there and weave new stitches. The hook thing is a button hooker.....for the old time buttons on shoes. That third thing down looks like and old time curling iron.......they would heat them in a fire then use it on the hair. And the last one almost looks like a cuticle pusher or something to clean your nails with.

  2. Hi Barbara Jean! You have a fabulous birdcage collection! Each are so different and interesting! I especially love the large green birdcage. Now as far as those "what is it", yikes I can't begin to imagine, but I'm scared of the hooked one! lol

    Enjoy ;)


  3. The 2nd one is definatly a curling iron (the put them inside the lamps) and the 4th one is a shoe button hook.


  4. Yup, the top is a darning egg, as we used to call it :)

  5. One of them looked like a dental tool! LOL. I love your bird cages! I have a white one and just can't figure out what to put it in lol.

    All the best,

  6. Your birdhouses are fabulous! Especially the lighthouse shaped one! I've never seen anything like it! :0)

  7. Well, I was going to say the same as seanymph the first is a sock darner, I have a country one, not so elegant as yours, the second item is a letter opener, the 3d is a curling iron, the 4th is a shoe buttoner and I'm not real sure about the last one, kinda looks like a hole punch they used to make extra holes in leather goods.?
    Love your bird cages.

  8. Hi Barbara Jean,
    You have a sweet bird cage collection. You asked me to choose something for my prize and I have been reading through your blog. You have some really cute things and I don't know what to choose! I love the pink sachet and the bird nests! Your flower bird nests are especially cute! I like your little sheet music pictures too. Anyway, why don't you surprise me? You can email me and I'll get my address to you. Have a wonderful day.


  9. Ah the blog reader...such a smart group of people. That last implement is a bit of a puzzle though. Quite an interesting collection.

  10. A great birdcage collection.
    Seanymph got them all right, I think. I knew all but the last one...

  11. Wow, what a beautiful collection of bird cages! And they look so lovely filled with nests and eggs and flowers... :)

  12. Great birdcages -- I have seen one that I envy -- but it is $500 -- and rather large -- perhaps I can recreate it!

  13. Great bird cages - should have known you'd have those - along with the nests!!!

  14. Love the bird cages. Or should I say I love what you do with them. Sharon

  15. I am glad I am not the first to comment. I would have guessed the sock darner was a baby rattle. :) Good finds.

  16. I love your birdcages and the nests you have displayed inside. I only have a couple of birdcages. I would like to collect more but if I get one more I will then have a collection & then it will get bigger & bigger & bigger. You get the picture. I'm afraid to make a collection. lol.

  17. Oh I love your bird cages! I need to go check out the curling iron. I had no idea that there was such a thing a long time ago. How neat! hee hee

  18. Great stuff again! Your bird houses are really nice!
    Hugs, Lisa

  19. You have some gorgeous birdcages! Love how you added little touches to make them each unique.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean