Monday, June 29, 2009


Here are a few pics of new displays at the store.
Many of these things will be listed in my
gift shop in upcoming posts.

Here is just a little corner of a new display.

I am still busy making the little flower nests.
New in the store are the word rocks. (kind of shown below.)
Little flat rocks with letters on them to make words.
Right now
Blessed, and

Can you see them laying on the mirror tray?
I'll get a closer pic when i list them.
Words made to order too.
(instructions for making your own if you'd like)
They are an adorable acc. to the nests.

I finally got into the sea shell thing, and found
these cute little pics just the other day.

I love this tall piece.
Not sure what you would call it,
but it is very unique, and
definitely a great focal point in any display.

I also just found the shell dish.
Love that color!!

This is still a work in progress.
We are calling it
the Apothecary area.
That is from one of our favorite blogs,
the Apothecary Shoppe.

Love all the creams.

Thanks for joining me on this little tour today.

Please email if you saw any treasures you loved,
and keep an eye out at the gift shop for postings.

Barbara Jean


  1. Your store is so lovely and I sure wish I lived closer...I would So be there!

  2. goodness, you are soooooo sweet!! Your displays are lovely!! What a great compliment to me,and I so appreciate it! All the best,Chrissy

  3. I will come and visit one day!! I love your store! Hugs, Lisa

  4. They are so sweet and delightful!


  5. So cute! I am sooo glad that I won one of your nests I look at it and love it every day it is right next to my bed! My cat likes it too LOL She always comes and sniffs it first thing when she comes in my room LOL. It must be your realistic nesting materials because she is a bird attacker lol! Anyway I love your nests LOL. And all your other goodies in these pictures oh my! I really want to visit your shop LOL.

    All the best,


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean