Monday, November 30, 2009

Beary Old, and Lots of Bears

Today I am joining in on
Second Time Around
Three or More

Here is my second time around today.

An old wringer washer top
in an old tub.

These are part of my decor at the front of the store.

I will never forget when i was litle and helping my Mom wiht the laundry.
As I waas poking the clothes into the wringer with a stick....

Yeah, you guessed it.
My arm went in too.
Clear up to the elbow!!
Boy did I scream loud,
and boy did my Mom run fast!!

Oh sweet memories! =0))
Here are some 3 or more bears for you.

"Boy are there a bunch of us here today.

I'm kind of the 'plain Jane' of the bunch, so i wanted to go first."

"Here's my friend Sophie.
She hangs out at the new green desk."
Doesn't she look sweet in her little school dress and sweater?"
"And that hat... To Die for!!"

"and Mary Lee lives on the top floor,
right up there with the birds."

"Fifi has a little corner all to herself.
She likes to read a lot,
but in her tutu??"

"And Margarete is always in and out with her dance classes."

"These are our Christmas friends.
You know, the ones that only come around
when it's Christmas and we are all baking goodies?"

"who me??"

"This guy just comes and listens to the radio the whole time he is here.
Won't get any work out of him. =0)"

"No telling what these two are up to!
Oh, I see, waiting for time to open presents."

"Thanks for coming by and letting me introduce my friends to you."

second time around tuesday

Three or More Tuesday

Three or More Tuesday


  1. Love those bears, especially Fifi!

  2. Barbara Jean, I did the exact same thing only our wringer was electric! I never had to do that
    Sweet memories...
    Your bears are just precious. I love the comment about not getting any work out of him. They are darling,

  3. So darling! I think you need to do a little bragging, Barbara Jean, at the Boardwalk Bragfest on Wednesday. I'll have the linky up on Tuesday night. I hope you have time -- or shall I say -- MAKE TIME TO LET ME BRAG ON YOU!

  4. Your bears are simply adorable!
    Good luck in my giveaway, thanks so much for entering!
    All the best,

  5. Dear Barbara, Thanks for entering my give-away. I'll come back and check out your blog, it looks great. hugs, carol

  6. Nice collection of bears for sale. Thanks for sharing!
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  7. I loved visiting the Bears and adore them all but Sophie may just be my fave. Happy Week, Mollye

  8. The face on Plain Jane is anything but plain. Adorable!


  9. Love the bears! I need to share mine!
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. The bears are so cute! I've always loved bears!

    Thanks for linking to 2nd Time Around!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean