Monday, November 23, 2009

Glitzy, Quick, and Easy

Here is a quick and easy project to
glitz up your holiday.

Take any glass and add $1.00 store beads.

add some trim to an apothecary jar or glass.
instant glitz.

(tip- you can get great pieces like this leftover from weddings
at garage sales or thrift store.
even trim from old wedding dresses looks great!)

add a bow at the base of the glass.
You could even do this on their drinking glasses!
(and I'm working on place card settings too)

I'm listing this on:

The DIY Show Off


  1. What a nice display idea. Would look great for the center of the table....several of them.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Hope you are doing well!

  2. Oh wow, now that is so clever and so beautiful. Why is it I can never think of things like that. I love all of the pics. What great ideas. Thanks. I hope you have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marty

  3. Very pretty! Where were you when I was planning my daughter's wedding???
    Thanks for linking up :)

  4. COOL! What great ideas!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  5. Barbara Jean, I wanted to stop in and thank you for adding your lovely "Friends" collage to the giveaway at Sharon's My Vintage Studio's giveaway. I love it and can hardly wait to receive it! I love your work and visit often. I posted a thank you on my latest post. Please stop by. I had originally thought that it came from Kris Hurst and thanked her for it....senior moment in full swing...sorry but I wanted to correct myself and thank the correct person.
    It is greatly appreciated!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean