Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An old iron gate.

Thrifty Thursday

vintage thingies thursday

Just a quick post today, as I am busy busy getting the store ready for tomorrows sale.

"VINTAGE" Buttons

Ever need vintage buttons for a project,
but had nothing but new ones that were the right size?

Try this:

I just take some black or brownish paint and dob on them.
That alone takes the shiny look off.
Want av even more oldish look?

Go outside and scoop up a bit of very fine dirt.
Dab a bit more paint on the button,
and dob the dirt around.
Shake off any extra.

Wah la!!
"Vintage', at least looking, buttons. =0))

And here is a bit of Vintage for you.

This was a display in the window of an antique store we went into on vacation.

Isn't he too adorable??

Here is hi best side. Taken from outside through the window.

Thanks for coming by.
Blessings on your day.

Barbara Jean

Be sure to check out my other posts the last couple of days
for some sweet giveaways.
(one even has one of my hand-crafted treasures as a prize!!)


  1. That bear is just adorable!!!

  2. Great idea for buttons, brilliant. What a cute little bear and the green color. I even like the old gate...that would look so cute in the garden with Morning Glories growing over it....have a great VTT!

  3. great tip! that ole teddy in that gorgeous ole car :)))

  4. You have many wonderful ideas here. How clever you are. I love love love your iron gate with the iron wheel. That makes an amazing statement, the buttons are pure genious, and the teddy bear melts my heart. I'm so glad I found you. I signed up to follow. I plan on doing a lot of bragging about this blog. Thank you for signing up at the "boardwalk bragfest" today. Love to do a little braggin (minimum of once a week).

  5. Hi Barb...

    How are you doing, my friend? Sounds like you are keeping very busy between the shop and all of your fabulous crafts!

    I love that old all that old iron!!! Girl, only you would be genius enough to know how to antique a button...what a grand idea! I will definitely be committing that one to memory! for that sweet little bear and old peddle honey would just love to have that! I've never seen one with that old of a car model make before!!! Bet they wanted a pretty penny for it!

    Well my friend, sending you my very best wishes and blessings for success with your sale!!!

    Love ya,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  6. I hope your sale goes wonderfully Barb!!! What a great idea for the buttons, I love that grungy old look ~ I'm so sorry I'm soooo slow, I finally remembered and measured the mitten pattern! It is 4 inches wide by 4 1/2 inches tall ~ you've probably already made them and sold them!! hugs and love, Dawn

  7. You are giving me some great ideas on how to 'vintage' some items I have that I want to craft with. Thanks for sharing!
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  8. A very nice VTT even if you were in a hurry. I like the wagon with the bear. Good job!

  9. I love that "BEAR".....he is so adorable. Erica

  10. I looove the iron gate! So uniqe and different.

  11. That bear is so adorable, with his aviator goggles on and the scarf! And thanks for the tip on grubbing up those buttons!
    Happy VTT!

  12. Buongiorno Barbara wish you good luck on your sale.I am on my way too to set up at the Barn!. Ciao Rita Mammabellarte

  13. What a great idea for the buttons - will remember that one! Thanks

  14. I love the button idea and I love that little bear on the tractor. He's just adorable.
    And as a p.s. That iron gate is just too good. It's wonderful and belongs exactly where you put it. You have some of the best ideas out there..Thank you for sharing.

  15. You have the best ideas!! Such a talent!! Love the bear!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  16. Love the bear in the car. I thought he was a cat at first.
    thanks for the hints about the buttons.

  17. Such a cute bear!!


  18. Very adorable bear and I like the vintage car. Have a great weekend!

    Mine is here My Life’s Photo

  19. LOVE the gate! What wonderful treasures!
    Thank you for linking up to Thrifty Thursday this week, and as always thank you for being a friend in Bloggeritaville.
    Tales from Bloggeritaville


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean