Friday, November 13, 2009

Pink Saturday

Pink Pointsettia Tree

Don't have pics of step by step, but it is pretty easy so I will tell you how i did it.

18-24" artificial evergreen tree

(I just have mine on the stand it came with.
putting it in a pot would be nice too.
bunches of poinsettia picks
(or any pick you would like)
Gold or silver spray paint
(to match whatever your pics have on them)
string of 25 electric lights
glue gun or wire

I sprayed my tree tips with gold paint.
placed the lights around on inside branches.
poked picks onto tree
(I wrapped stems around branches and hot glued where necessary.
could also wire them on)

and, WA LA!!
a pretty pink tree.

enjoy your day

barbara jean

Would love to post a pic if you do one.


  1. Your little pink tree is just so pretty and your little mittens are to die for sweet. Happy Pinks and have a lovely day.

  2. What a great idea I think I may just have to try this. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come by again.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean