Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sweet Giveaway at My Vintage Studio!!!

Look what my friend Sharon is giving away this month.
She purchased one of my hand-crafted treasures as part of her giveaway!!
Also included is that sweet blue plate, and tea towels and a book.
And.... She will be adding Christmas items as she goes.

Be sure to get on over there to sign up.
Giveaway ends the 20th!!


Barbara Jean

PS Don't sorry, if I win, I will let her draw another name for my "friends:
artwork. =0)

Oh, and be sure to come back here later, and you can see all the wonderful things i ordered from her ETSY site!!


  1. Hi Barbara Jean,

    Thanks for letting us know about the giveaway, they are always so much fun...just the anticipation to see who won is worth signing up, even if you don't win!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  2. Your work is amazing my friend. What a honor for someone to buy your items and then think so highly of them they offer them on a Giveaway! Wow!

    Always enjoy my visits. I come away inspired and so blessed.

    Love to you~


  3. Hi Barbara! Just stopped in to catch up with you...you have been a busy girl! Congrats on the DIY showoff! Your work deserves recognition.

    I always enjoy stopping in to see what you have been up to, and look at all your lovely ideas.

    Bless you,

  4. Shhh...
    Don't tell about Sharon's giveaway as I REALLY want to win the wonderful treasures!!
    How fun to get away for awhile.
    You have been busy and I the "friends" in frame that you made is great.
    Deb :)


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean