Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This week I am joining in on:

White Wednesday

by Kathleen at Faded Charm

Outdoor Wednesday

Oh I'm lovin' this Bragfest over at Jan's.
And what better to brag about than little white bunnies.
These are from the bathroom at the store.
I did them when we bought the place 15 years ago.
It was the only room small enough I thought I could handle decorating.

They are painted on Masonite and inserted in an old window frame.

And since we have bunnies,
I have decided to just 'hop around' on this post! =0))

So here is a bit of red for you.
The box in the background is one of two old boxes
i use at Christmas in the store.
And don't miss the kind of burgundy red raffia around the old horses neck.

a red candy machine from the store.
( Sue Loves Cherries, asked about the large, white cabinet in this pic.
It is an old refrigerator that has been made into storage for machinists tools.
A fella here had a grandfather who was a machinist, and he made all those tiny drawers and stored his tools in it. It was very precisely made and amazing to me. He even had all the drawers lined with cardboard, so when i got it I took out the cardboard (only a tiny bit greasy) and the drawers were already to use. It has ended up to be a wonderful and unique display piece in the kitchen at the store.)

Here is a
A Red Painted Holly Box.
A special order.
Would love to make another one. So elegant.

Here is a little brown braggin'.
Another take off of my friends designs.
These are ornaments, or can just be hung on the wall, or set on a tiny easel.
They are about 4"
*available at the store shortly.

A bit of brown outdoors.
Love old buildings!!
More braggin'. =0)

Another new piece with a leaf skeleton
and other favorite things.

thank you

And another piece.
My newest creation.
(hope i did not already show you some of these)

Some white braggin'

Christmas Stockings I made

Also available at the store shortly
or feel free to email me if you see something you like.

Thanks for coming by.
Please go on over and check out all the other posts for Wednesday!

Thanks for hosting ladies.


Barbara jean


  1. Oh really great stuff this week! Your leaf designs are just wonderful!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. Hi Barbara Jean, wow...lots going on over here and I love it all. Happy White Wednesday.

  3. The bunnies are just gorgeous and I really love all the wonderful white socks. They look so vintage. Hugs, Marty

  4. Everything is beautiful!! Love the box and the stockings are adorable!!!

    You are so talented!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. Great pics , I love the white stockings you made . 8~)

  6. I love that big red box! THE perfect thing for Christmas decorating. And you are such a talented painter! Those bunnies are adorable!
    Happy Rednesday!

  7. Love that bunny in the window frame painting and the white stocking you made too.

  8. Hi Barbara Jean,
    What a nice post! Love the red boxes and the sheet music ornaments. Happy REDnesday.


  9. You made beautiful things!!! Love the Christmas decorations.
    Happy Rednesday!

  10. You have some pretty whites, and reds, and browns...I love the variety! That white Christmas stocking would really look good in my house...love your white bunnies, too!

    Have a wonderful, colorful, day!


  11. I'm lovin' the bunnies - they're so cute! Great job! Very pretty white stockings, too!

    Question - in the photo of the gumball machine - what is that metal cabinet with drawers? Looks very unusual.

  12. What cute things! I love the stockings, really nicely done! Kathy

  13. Such cute things! I hadn't realized you paint too. I just love your bunnies.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean