Tuesday, November 24, 2009

whites, greens, and reds.

Happy Wednesday everyone.

Here is a mix of red, white, and outdoor Wednesday pics for you.

Little white church from our vacation

Outdoor Wednesday

Outdoor Wednesday
My favorite spot to meditate on my walks.

A little outdoorsy nap.

A vintage White Apron

Two chairs, outdoors, in the middle of a field

Beautiful vintage white jewelry

A craft in process.

ooooh, white lace.
9 yards of it!!

A little red for you.
a booth at a local antique mall.

May firend Sheri at the antique mall.

White Wednesday

Boardwalk Bragfest Wednesday

Nothing to brag about htis week excoept a lot of cleaning done.

will have some new projects to show you next week.


And look at this red.
I brought these pics over from Homebody Holly's place.
She's putting apothecary jars on candlesticks.
Lovin' these! And going to do some for the st ore.

thanks Holly for the great idea!


a 2001 pic of our sweet granddaughter Isabel.
I knew she would make you smile.)

Blessings to all

barbara jean


  1. Hi Barbara Jean,
    Lovely post...aren't those apothecary jars on candlesticks with the candy in just wonderful. I wish we could buy the jars here, but unfortunately they are as scarse as the cloches.
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  2. Hi Barbara Jean,
    Adorable little one in the last picture! I love the candy canes in those jars; very bright and festive! Thanks for sharing and Happy REDnesday to you. Wishing you and your loved ones a Wonderful Thanksgiving!


  3. I love that little church! And I really like the shot of the two chairs in the field. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Kathy

  4. I love that red and white quilt in that antique booth, and that idea of gluing candlesticks to the bottom of apothecary jars! And then adding the peppermint sticks makes it so festive! Love all of your whites too, especially those pretty chairs sitting in the field!
    Happy Rednesday!

  5. very pretty with a bit of a vintage feeling as well

  6. Beautiful whites and charming reds. Blessings!

  7. Oooooh laaaaa laaaaaaaaaa white lace, peppermint sticks and more treasures. Happy Thanksgiving from our house to your house.
    Joyce M

  8. Lovely photos and, yes, your granddaughter DID make me smile. :)

  9. Everything is so pretty, it's hard to choose a favorite; well, maybe the candy sticks! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  10. So many beautiful photos! :) Happy Thanksgiving Barbara Jean!


  11. They are all beautiful photos and your grandchild is a cutie.

  12. Nice to meet you Barbara Jean,
    Thank you for you sweet coments on my blog and following along.
    Isabel, oh my what a doll. Now there's a portrait.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    BJ's a sweety pie.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean