Sunday, December 27, 2009

Granddaughter Rowan's Birthday & other bits

Our Snow Princess

This is the post from my daughter's blog.

Each time the kids have a birthday she does a post about it.
A great memory for them in years to come.


Well, the baby is hardly a baby anymore.

I can't even begin to describe the joy this sweet little girl has brought to our family. She is an absolute delight, full of smiles and hugs, with minimal amounts of hair pulling and book destroying.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack; Hugging anyone and everyone; Music, music, music!; Her brother and sisters (especially when they sing to her); Bedtime.

Having to wait for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack; Her brother and sisters taking toys away from her (who can blame her really); and I'm sure there are other things she doesn't like, but I can't think of them right now because she really is such a happy little person.

She's almost always smiling, and I love her cute little girl giggle. She is easy-going and sweet, loves everyone who will hold her, and never misses an opportunity to give a hug.

Happy birthday, Ro-Z Roo, our little snow princess!

(and here is our sweet princess with the little snow princess)


Our sweet little Rowan is such a happy little gal, and,
as her Mama says, a huggy little thing!

She brings a smile to our hearts
and sunshine to our day.


OK, here are some other bits and pieces:

The old blue bottles (well bluish green)
I won at Vintage Black Friday
put on by Jill, at Gypsy Brocante.

Thanks Jill, that was so fun and I love my bottles!!!

And a bit of Made it for Monday supplies.

I got these little mats at a sale for .25 each.
Nice thing is, since i am covering them with music,
you can take them apart and make two things out of each mat.

And here is what I made with one of them them.

Thanks for joining me today.
Have a wonderful week, and don't miss out.
Go on over and see what others have been doing today.


barbara jean

Blue Monday

Make it Monday


  1. Our grankids just make us so happy we can hardly stand it !
    I would love to have had a HUGGER granddaughter, but mine was WAY too busy with "other things" to sit on your lap for more than 4 or 5 seconds. She had ADHD even when she was a year old.


    Hugs, Rose

  2. What a sweet baby! May her year be filled with wonder.

  3. Your granddaughter reminds me of my daughter when she was a baby. She was always happy too, very calm, and so loving. She is still that way today and continues to bring me so much joy!! I feel so lucky to have her and I am sure you feel that way about yours too!!

    Oh, by the way, love what you did with the mats!

  4. You have a pretty daughter and granddaughter, Barbara Jean. I love the framed poems! Happy Blue Monday!

  5. What a cutie your granddaughter is!!

    I love the music covered mat idea.

  6. So she likes Bedtime? That's sort of unusual, but good. Nice Blue Monday post - I love those blue bottles.

  7. mmesOEG - hallo guys :D


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean