Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Red, White, Thrifty, and a Summer Walk for You

My White Wednesday
Creamers, pitchers, tea pots and sugar bowls.

White and cream fabrics.

Cubbies of white and cream treasures.

And this vintage beaded tea ball ornament.

A Little Thriftiness:

Envelopes Christmas Cards Came in.
Burn, or recycle, right?

Recycle into your art bin!!
Look at these bits of gold and silver paper you can use!!

And look at this.
It is the package parts an ornament came in.
A piece of cardboard, but what i like is the sponge.
A 1/4" thick, soft and supple sponge.

A good pouncing tool, or padding behind your art to add dimension.
All things that can be put to good use.

Now for some red.

Some easy Christmas decor.
Red balls, or pics put into any box, bowl, or basket.
Adds a bit of color to any little spot.
In the middle you could tuck a candle, gift, bird nest,
or whatever strikes your fancy.

Red Collectibles, and Fun

old Coke bottles, and a Skittles candy machine.

A little red sign. Stenciled by me.
(we have normal clutter too.) =0)

An old red tin.

Last, but not least, a red treat for you!
(new candles at the store.
you should smell them!!) =0)

After dessert, we should go for a summer walk.

and enjoy a quiet ocean view.
after thought:
not summer walking now.
cold and rainy here,
just pretending it is nice,
and taking you along.=)))

I'm participating in these events today:

White Wednesday

Boardwalk Bragfest Wednesday

done for the Christmas Holidays.
Check back after.

Thrifty Homemaking Button

Outdoor Wednesday


Blessings and Merry Christmas to all.

Barbara jean


  1. Beautiful summer walk....but, but...I'm gonna go back for 2nds on that dessert!!

    I have a Christmas wish along with my usual Wednesday post today. [the Wednesday issue of posting is below my 'card' posted just for you....]


    ...for the permalink to my day's post, click here.

  2. I could not find your comment link for White Wednesday...but sure love your idea of saving the gold foil in the Christmas Cards...SUPER idea.


  3. Barbara, let me clean my glasses, did you say a SUMMER walk? Did you move to Australia or something? LOL!

    I'm so glad someone does White Wednesday, because I love looking at the whites as well as the reds. Your collection is so pretty!

    Heavenly blessings for your Christmas!


  4. Oh, I LOVE that tin!!! but everything is beautiful!! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!!!

  5. Love the beach, it would be nice to go for a relaxing walk out there.

    Please come and see my Outdoor post. Merry Christmas.

  6. Wonderful post and photos, I love the summer walk and the pretty shot of the beach.
    Have a wonderful holiday!

  7. I love the jelly belly candy machine. Walking on a beach right now sounds wonderful. We have been having yucky air and cold slush here in Utah.

  8. Love all your white dishes.

    Come by my blog tomorrow afternoon (12-24) for my virtual Christmas party.

  9. So nice to have you come by and visit me.......returned the favor and love your space.....how wonderful to have your own store...isn't it alot of fun and WORK!!! look forward to what else you do and hope you have a wonderful Christmas....xojana

  10. Great photos - love all of the treasures! Am taking the rest of the week off from blogging, but will be back next week. Check out my photos of Suzy and the hens! A Blessed Christmas to you and yours!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean