Monday, March 1, 2010

Cake Server and Spring Cleaning

Inventory time.
That means we had to clean the garage at the store,
just to be able to count things!
What a mess!

Ever see so much stuff?

Bet you can guess what he is thinking. =0)
I just want you to know,
I would only let my closest friends see our place like this. =0)

On to fun stuff.

Three or more nests.
See how tiny two of them are?
Finished product coming soon.
(anyone got a tablespoon?) =)

A Second Time Around Talented Tuesday
great idea in the making.

Cake cover, and lazy Susan.

Heavy black metal base for something?

Hmmm. Good idea?

How about a great idea??
Painting the lazy Susan black. Gluing it on the base,
and Ta dah!!
One fancy, heavy duty, revolving cake server!

I'm joining in with these lovely bloggers today.

Thanks to our wonderful hostesses.

blessings to all!

Barbara jean

second time around tuesday



  1. I don't see a mess -- I just see lots and lots of treasures

  2. Hello sweet lady...

    Ohh...I must apologize at being so long to get by for a visit! It seems like the land of blog is getting larger and larger! Hehe! How have you been, dear lady? It looks like you will be up to your elbows with organizing for inventory...Oooh boy! So much fun, huh? Actually, I had fun looking through all of your photos and would just love to roll up my sleeves to get a good peek at all of those goodies! Well my dear, I wish you the best with all of that!

    Oooh...what a grand idea! The black stand is just perfect for your cake cover and dish! Sounds like a plan, my friend!!!

    Have a wonderful day, Darlin'!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. Dear Barbara Jean, you are a darling! I always look forward to your lovely visits and comments. I'm so glad you stopped by. The question is -- why are we both still away? haha.

    Now don't throw away anything good!

  4. It looks like you have some fun stuff!

    : )

    Julie M.

  5. I agree. Lots of fabulous stuff there. Your little nests are so sweet! And the cake stand turned out perfectly. Many blessings, Tammy

  6. Good Morning Barbara Jean!
    I want to go shopping in your garage because I see lots of treasures inside!
    I like your cake plate creations, very nice!


  7. Reminds me of my shed where I keep my things to work on. It's my treasure shed.
    Those little bird nests are adorable. Are they real or did you make them?
    And I love the idea of the cake plate turning on that black stand. GREAT IDEA!!!!!!
    Hugs, Pat

  8. Well, I could always come and clean it all out for you :)

    Seriously, that glass jar looks like a good container to brew mead in

  9. Oh that will be one awesome cake server! Love the base you found.
    Mess?? What Mess?

  10. Oh I love the nest tutorial and I saw your comment about putting a little nest in my new soapdish...what a great idea! You've totally inspired me to do that and I could put some little bird egg soaps in it! That is certainly going on my to-do list:)

  11. SHUT UP!! GREAT idea indeed!!! And those nests!!!! LOVE!!!

    I would LOVE to just poke around in there with all that wonderful stuff!! Treasures!!!

    Have a great day my friend!

    Lou Cinda :)

  12. Bet hubby is thinking "Chinese Fire Sale"! But i do think you have a lot of neat things there, myself!

  13. we actually find several tiny nests like that every fall in and around our landscape. we have lots of hummingbirds come to our flowers. our neighbors have horses. apparently the hummers like to use horsehair for their nests. they are very delicate. the grandkids usually take them to school for show and tell. i may have to keep a couple for myself! LOL ★Linda

  14. Making a trip to your garage sounds like a good idea to me :0) Your cake server is great, fantastic idea!

  15. ohhhh... i loved looking at all the goodies in the photos! kind of like a where's waldo of decorating :)

    thanks for stopping by - hope you can enter the giveaway today :)

    LOVE THE NESTS, by the way... I always do!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  16. Oh my....I wish I could go through all those lovely finds. I said to my husband "there's somebody just like me!" I love all your treasures and enjoyed my visit. I'm now "following" along. Please visit and do the same so we can inspire one another.

  17. I'm with Classy Chassey - you found some 'neat' things. sandie

  18. Can I uh.........steal .......or I mean play around in your mess.......looks like fun to me!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean