Tuesday, March 23, 2010

White Cards, Red Flowers, and a Little Green Frog

Hi Froggy!

We were moving some lumber
around in the yard and saw this little guy.

And here is another one.
Can you see him??

This is a pot from my brothers garden.

It broke in the freeze,
and it was totally root bound.

Looks like it is still in a pot, but those are roots.

And these, although they look pink,
are actually deep red primroses my sweet fella
bought and surprised me with.
And here are some red goodies from a box of treasures i bought.
Anyone know what the 'junket' tablets are?
And this can is still full of salve.
Probably best I could not get it open.

Easy clothespin jar I crafted.
Kind of on the cream/white side.

And these cards are for sure white
for my white Wednesday part of this post.

I've been cleaning at the store, and found a box of old cards
I did years ago.
These are pen and inks.
I had more pictures of cards, but could
not get them to turn right side up.
I'll try another time.

Do hope you will all go check out these blogs.
So many sweet things to see,
and wonderful hostesses who put these special days on.
Thank you to all.

Whatcha Working On Wednesdays

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  1. Barbara Jean,
    Love all of your treasures & creations. I had to catch up on a couple of your posts & stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the teabag bouquet & gift box. Oh the tea bag roses are the best! I'm going to use your instruction & attempt one soon. Lisa

  2. I'm such a baby when it comes to frogs, anything that jumps scares me! Lovely photo's as usual:)

  3. I love frogs, and one year I had one that hung out on our back porch all summer!
    Your primroses are so pretty! I'm still looking for some to have in the house, but I guess it's still too early here.
    That old salve tin is in really great condition. Yes, probably best to leave it shut!
    Happy REDnesday!

  4. So many cute things...the little flowers your hubby bought are so pretty!

  5. Junket (rennet tablets) are used for making cheese.

  6. Love the little frog! pretty primroses. As for junket Tablets, they are made from rennet, which is obtained from the membranes of the stomachs of calves, lambs, kids, and other young mammals, usually before they have had any other food than milk. It is the use of rennet that "turns" the milk in making cheese. The junket tablets are generally used in preparing junket desserts, which are made from lukewarm milk, usually sweetened and flavored with vanilla ex-tract. Dissolving the junket tablets in the warm milk coagulates the milk.

    ~ Tracy

  7. What pretty, pretty primroses! My favorite flower - can't wait 'til mine bloom! That poor potted plant! I hope it gets lots of TLC! I love the clothespins in the jar - sometimes simple is better.

  8. Barbara Jean,
    The primroses are a wonderful touch of spring :) I bought myself a pansy to put on the stand right outside the door for a touch of spring! It's great to see COLOR once again.

    Very nice treasures! I love the simplicity of a jar filled with clothespins. I think really I just love jars...lol

    Have a great day :)



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Barbara Jean