Saturday, April 17, 2010

Quick Post and a Treat for You

LinkSince my back hurts too much to move furniture, I did a little crafting, and finished 6 Ps 139 jars yesterday and today.
My friend Vicky, at Granny's Attic, (she makes her own sweet jars) wanted to order one.
So, Vicky, and the rest of you too, here they are.
Chose which one (or ones) you want Vicky, and the rest are up for grabs. ($8.00 includes U.S. shipping).
These are all vintage jars, filled with sand, with Ps 139:17,18 printed on them. Vintage buttons made into lids, and simple trim. I think the Word itself should be the focus.

I have pics ready for the tutorial, just have to limit my time sitting here as it kills my arm and shoulder right now. I am hoping for Tuesday and join in on Tutorial Tuesday!!

Thanks for all your notes, sweet comments, and prayers. I am TRYING to rest and get over this! I have more furniture to move and a room to finish! =)

Free Signature Generator
PS if you click on the pic once, and then click again, you can see them really big!

Free Signature Generator


  1. That is just not fair! I like all of them, it is so hard to pick the one I like best! So to be nice so everyone else can have one I will pick #4! I should just let you pick for me! This is too hard! Thanks Barbara Jean and I hope you get to feeling better very soon! Blessing, Vicky

  2. These are just wonderful! I do hope that you get to feeling better soon :)

    Take Care - Robin

  3. Very nice bottles Barbara Jean!! Hope you are feeling better soon!!

  4. Those are wonderful! Sorry you are not feeling well.

  5. Beautiful work, Barbara Jean! Feel better soon!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  6. I had a wonderful little visit to your shop the other day. Thanks for the goodies, and hope your feeling better!

  7. What a beautiful idea, so simple and elegant!

  8. These are so pretty Barbara, hope you are feeling better soon. Can't wait to see the tutorial on these! Have a great Friday.

  9. Those are wonderful. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday, I always enjoy visiting. Hope you feel better soon!

  10. Hi Barbara Jean! It's been so long since I've had a chance to stop by. It sounds like you haven't been feeling well. I certainly hope your feeling better now. Take good care of yourself and get lots of rest.

    I love you psalms bottles. They are so sweet.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

    P.S. I would love you to come by and enter my giveaway if you get a chance. It ends tomorrow. But no worry if you miss it, I'll be having another one later in the week.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean