Friday, April 23, 2010

Sincerest Apologies!!!!

To all of you who hosted Memes and parties this week that I participated in:

I completely forgot when I did my Ps 139 Tutorial on the previous post,
that when you do memes you are not supposed to list that your things are for sale!
I totally forgot!

My blog friend, Vicky, had ordered one of the bottles, and so I did hers, did the tutorial, then automatically mentioned the ones left for sale.

Please, to any of you wonderful hostesses that may have had to delete my name from your list because of that, I understand, and sincerely apologize, and will try to remember in the future.

You are all so wonderful to host the special days, and parties, and I would never dream of bending the rules on purpose.

Blessings to all,

barbara jean

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  1. I'm dumb. What is a MEMEMS? xooxoxo :)

    Don't worry about your tiny mistake my friend. You are wonderful and we all know it!


  2. So easy to make a mistake. I'm glad you have the right attitude about it. Some would get very defensive. Your blog is wonderful.


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean