Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweet Goodies From a Friend

I wanted to share with you the package of goodies I got from a friend lately.

She actually won one of my drawings,
and the prize was my vintage baby shoe with a nest in it.

Well, she sent me the sweetest package as a thank you.
(I think it was almost better than the prize she won.) =)

Here are some goodies:

Little wire paper clips...
Oh, and look, even the box was so fun!
She wrote all over it.
Get well wishes, take care of myself, and more happiness.

And here are the other goodies.
Two pairs of baby shoes for me to "vintage" up.
(Go HERE for instructions)
A sweet, sweet stamp, scrabble tiles in a jar,
and a candle.

And look at this....

This was her card and note to me.
What a great idea!
Be sure to click on pic to see it better.

Oh, guess I'd better tell you who it is.

My friend Tina, at Patina Marie.
She has a sweet blog, and if you go over now,
you can wish her happy birthday, and
see her trying on birthday hats. =)

Happy birthday girl,
and thanks for such a sweet package. =)


barbara jean


  1. Oh my gosh ~ that is so very fun and so very sweet !!
    I love it !!

  2. You are TOO kind.

    Can't wait to feel better and take a road trip up your way for some Tea and Treats! Been drinking lotsa tea to soothe my sore throat.

    Posted pictures of the little dictionary and a huge one I just found. The "card" was a quickie. Glad you liked it.

    If you need more socks, let me know. A local thrift has a bunch of them .50/pk of 3. Make really cute holiday swags, gift tags, and baby's first's ornaments....


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean