Monday, May 31, 2010

Wonderful Flower Tutorial!!

Lilla, of
Just Lilla
has a wonderful Velvet Flower Tutorial at her place.
And, she has other wonderful tutorials.s
I'll be visiting her place often to see what treasures she has..

If you have not been over before, You really need to go.
It is a wonderful blog,
and Lilla is the sweetest!!

blessings all

barbara jean


  1. I know! I have been oohing and ahhhing over those stunning velvet flowers for a couple of days now. I am so tempted....

  2. Barbara Jean, wow, those are just beautiful flowers, I think I'll head over there to check out the tutorial too! Thanks for sharing.


  3. I scrolled back to see all your posts to PS and they are really wonderful! Love you Pinks and your blue friends, and congrats on your win!

    And I'll be visiting the flower tutorial!

    So sorry for the belated visit! I realize I'm two days late (and a dollar short, haha!) but there are so many pinks and so little time over this holiday weekend when relatives are visiting! Happy Belated PS!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie @
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean