Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sand, and Fluff and Other Stuff

Whatcha' doin' there? Sneakin' up on a girl?"

Teddy, Celebratin' the 4th!

a little outdoor red

Tea for Two in the Shabby Room.

Some sparklies for you.

a new (old) table

Fun outdoor white.
I found more cottonwood fluff!
I mean really, really fluffy fluff.
Look at this!!
Great timing as I have new classes in the works.
We'll need lots of fluff then. =)
I added a bit more to the little wheelbarrow
and took a better pic of it.
Love the color, and the sign i made.
(I'm braggin' a bit for Jan). =)
Hope you are having a bright and fluffy day!!

And hope you will go visit these nice blogs and see more lovelies.

barbara jean


Whatcha Working On Wednesdays


  1. The new (old) table is gorgeous. Perfect shape, perfect shape, and of course perfectly decorated with those beautiful little baby shoes.

  2. Interesting collection of items you have gathered. Wonder what it will be?

    come by outdoor Wednesday.


  3. I love that wheelbarrow with the beach stuff in it and the photo with the red items.

  4. HI Barbara,
    thanks so much for stopping by! Great photos, love your painted white table! Boy, you should've been here about a month ago, as we had a TON of cottonwood fluff blowing around! :)

  5. Oh, everything is dreamy on here!! Love it all! And the 4th of July pieces look fantastic and make me feel so patriotic!
    I have a surprise for you this morning...Can't wait for you to see your art on my blog...
    Honestly, when I put it on, I gasped...wow!

  6. I love that little red vignette outside, and that wheelbarrow is so cute, with the sign you made! So many lovely things to look at here!
    Happy REDnesday and Happy 4th!

  7. So pretty- I love that wheelbarrel. I may have to fish mine out of the garage now. Have a great day!

  8. Everything looks beautiful. I love how excited you are about "fluff" haha. Love it!

  9. Barb, everything is awesome, as usual! I love the table and chairs in your shabby room, and the "beach" wheelbarrow is such a great idea!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean