Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hiking "Around" Mt. Pisgah

In July we went for a hike.
Since it was too hot in the afternoon to hike up the mountain,
we just walked on the trails by the river.
A perfect day.

It's all part of Mt. Pisgah Arboretum.
Lots of little signs in areas
to tell what various foliage was.
There were several trails in and around the area.

This bench with seats on each side.
Is where we sat to have our picnic lunch.
Next time we will go earlier so we can hike the small but steep mountain.
And here aer our sweet granddaughters at a local park.
Smiles, hugs and blessings on your day.

barbara jean

I'm linking up to outdoor Wednesday
please go take a peek around.


  1. Hey Barbara Jean. You look so good in that picture and the girls are as cute as can be. It looks like the weather was so nice. Boy would I love to be in Oregon now.

    If you haven't entered my giveaway yet please be sure to.

    Heading to bed. Goodnite...Tracy

  2. Hiking is my most favorite thing to do. Looks like a wonderful place to be. When weather changes for the better around here, we will be out walking -- maybe that will happen in November. Ugh! Best wishes to you and yours, Tammy

  3. Hello Barbara Jean,

    I have not been to Mt. Pisgah since I was about 16. It is so pretty there. Looks like you had great weather for your hike and picnic. Your granddaughters are adorable.

    ~ Tracy

  4. hmm, I don't believe we have been there! I prefer hiking in the Fall however.

  5. Hi Barbara Jean,
    looks like you had a wonderful day. Your granddaughters are just adorable.
    Have a wonderful week.

  6. That looks like a nice place for a hike. Your grand daughters are very cute!

  7. What a fun time you had. Your granddaughters are so cute. Have a great week. Debbie


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean