Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Outdoor Rednesday & Saving the Birdy

Outdoor bird nest class yesterday.
Gorgeous day for it.
After we did our messy nests,
we went inside to add the 'fluff'.
Here is one that fit in with our red theme today.
Cute idea, huh?

Helping the birdy.

Thud! My sweet fella heard it hit the window.
Looked out. Cat heading for it!
He, (my sweet fella, not the cat,) tapped
on the window and hollered to make the cat run away.
Then he found the little birdy on the ground.
He gently picked him up, gave him water, and a safe place to rest.
Kept giving him water, and watching (to keep him safe)
while he got back to feeling good enough to fly away.
Cute huh?
And so is my sweet fella....

Who then sat down in this 'new' chair.......

(which is going to the shop tomorrow)....
and looked at our new rose.

That is it for today.
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Barbara jean

Please go visit our hostesses for Rednesday,
and Outdoor Wednesday.



  1. Thank you for a different and great post for red day.

  2. Hi Barbara Jean...This is my first visit to your blog. Your Rednesday post is great and I especially like the red yard chair. Those are the MOST comfy chairs in the world. I’m always looking at them when I go to the thrift / antique mall and wishing I had one here.


  3. Hip hip hooray for the bird rescuer! A gold star and huzzahs!

    Oh! Your Annie is adorable and so precious with her nest.

    Happy Rednesday,

  4. Ah how sweet. I'm glad he rescued that little birdie.


  5. What a lucky birdie!! Love that red chair-- I've seen some new retro ones but they aren't heavy duty like the old ones used to be.

  6. Oh, how this post warmed my furry little heart!!! What beautiful little nests and your fella saved a sweet little bird!!!! LOVE this post and the pictures!!!!

    I'm glad you had nice weather for your nesting day!!!


    Romeo (who does NOT harm birds)

  7. Hi Barb, Your group looks great, I guess I am more than happy with these beautiful creasiones own. The history of the bird is very sweet!, I see an analogy with what Jesus does with us, cares for us as a bird and when we are hurt heals us, home supplies, care of all kinds, and gives us to drink water of life! very beautiful gesture of pure love. Rose Marie greetings

  8. Love the red lawn chair, I have one, too, but no way am I selling it! That will be a real treasure for someone. I know the hardest part of being a dealer, which I was in my past life, sometimes is parting with the merchandise. Good that birdy recovered. Happy Rednesday!

  9. Aw, can't you send the chair to my house instead of the shop? LOL!

    The bird looks like a Junco. I hope it's okay.

  10. Looks like you were all having fun at your class Barbara Jean! And doesn't hubby look like the king of the castle in that lovely red chair.
    Happy REDnesday to you.
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  11. I love your Raggedy Ann doll! So cute. That is so sweet about the bird. I had one hit our window not to long ago but the Rottweiler dog was quicker to pick him up then I was! oops! Your red chair is nice too!!
    Happy Redwednesday!


  12. Oh Barb,
    This is sooo precious!!! Your little bird story is amazing! And I love the rag doll and chair...so cute!!!
    I am so glad that the bird was rescued...You know, birds are such an art theme these days--it's amazing you had a REAL one!!!! It beats these photoshop birds any day...how special to have saved one of God's creatures...

  13. a nest class--that must be a good therapy.:p

  14. Sweet little bird! How kind of your husband to care for it.

    I love the nest in Raggedy Ann's lap.

    Becky K.

  15. Hi Barbara Jean! Wonderful post!!

    Susan and Bentley

  16. Hi!
    First I gotta say I love that chair! Next, the guy sittin in it isn't too bad hisself ;) I bet that little birdie thinks so too;)

  17. Hi Barbara Jean,
    I love the raggedy ann and her nest. What a great craft project.
    Also, so kind of your guy to take care of the little bird and save it from certain carnage!!
    Also, what a great red lawn chair.:)
    Thanks so much for sharing your pictures and have a wonderful day.
    The Tattered Tassel

  18. How sweet your fella saved the birdie. Such a loving post.

  19. Love the birdy story Barb! We seem to be doing that here as well. Last summer - we had a cardinal that lived in a pet carrier in our BEDROOM for over a week before it was able to fly again!


  20. A great Red post today! I have birds hit the windows all day long! My sil tells me to stop keeping them so clean, but the poor birdies...they just keep flying into them!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean