Sunday, November 14, 2010

Precious Finds and Flowery Fluff.

My FABULOUS find for Monday!!
Got this old steamer trunk while on vacation.

This corner of the store is it's temporary home
till we get the NEW ROOM done.
January, I hope. =)
(when I get the drawers overflowing
with goodies I'll show you again.)

Here is a little mellow yellow: centers on the lace
flowers I am making for the tree at the store.
Crafting, and shopping, and sitting in the hot tub,
while on vacation. woo hoo!!

Here is some blue sweetness for you.
This is a wonderful, hand-embroidered vintage
tablecloth with four pockets,
with 4 little napkins on each side.
Is this just too cute???

Monday blessings to all.

barbara jean

Thanks to our Blue Monday and Mellow Yellow Hosts

mellow yellow monday



  1. Oh Barbara! My heart goes pitter patter every time I see embroidery of any sort!! Your embroidery piece is so beautiful!!

  2. Beautiful things as always!!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  3. I love those old trunks, and that embroidery is so fine.

    Happy Blue Monday, Barb.

  4. I adore old trunks...they have a story to them. Can't wait to see your tree all decked out! Love the little lace flowers. Very pretty!


  5. Nice finds. Love the antique items.
    Happy Blue Monday

  6. I've been looking for vintage table cloth and napkins in my trips to GW and SA but no luck yet. This find is so beautiful. Happy Monday!
    Blue Monday

  7. Barbara Jean, I'm so glad you stopped by to say hello. I love the blues you chose to share with us today. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean