Monday, March 7, 2011

New Treasures for You

Love measuring devices.
Look at the cool cover on this one.

And LOVE that rusty numbered tape.
Now I did not unroll it all to see,
but I'm guessing the WHOLE thing looks like that.
Who would have thought just sitting and looking
at rusty numbers could be so fun. =)

Another nest under a cloche.
(and one outside).

New friends and daughters cards.

New wire cloche. (with a nest of course).

And a bit of new art to remind me where my strength comes from.

barbara jean


  1. I like the nest displays...the one on the clock is fab & I am always partial to cloche displays. Keep junkin' Tiff at The Cranky Queen

  2. Barbara, I love your crafty art!! I needed a reminder as well where my strength comes from....

  3. Hey Barbara Jean, do you know what time it is? ha! I just saw your post about clocks. :) I love your artwork with the quotations and bits of lace and doily. They have such a lovely vintage look to them. Best wishes for a great day. Tammy

  4. Just wonderful! You just keep finding more and more great goodies!

  5. Ohh i just love visiting your page Barbara, these are gorgeous and that measuring tape is similar to one we used to have but no longer sadly
    hugs June x


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I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean