Thursday, April 21, 2011

Favorite Things & a "New" Book

Bits and pieces of one of one of my favorite collages.

No time right now for any creating,
so hope this old favorite will inspire you.

Here is a new banner I put together in Banner Maker.
Not bad for a rookie, but the one my daughter
is designing will be so much better.
If you want to take a peek at the idea we are
working on, go HERE.
Glad to hear any feedback you have for me.
When finished, it will be on all my blogs too.

And this is my new book.

The American Woman' Cookbook, 1944.
A bit tattered and faded, but wonderful inside.
$12 + shipping

Thanks for coming by

barbara jean


  1. Hope all is well! Your collages are lovely. And the cover of that cookbook is so pretty -- aqua is my new favorite color even though I have absolutely nothing around me in that shade. Have a blessed weekend. Tammy

  2. The new banner is looking fantastic Barbara Jean. Your daughter is doing a fabulous job.

  3. Your collages are beautiful. So happy you shared these with us.
    Just wanted to come by and catch up and to wish you a very Happy Easter.

  4. Hi Barbara Jean
    I just checked out what you are working on and I LOVE IT!! It looks so great the new header!
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen
    P.S. Happy Easter

  5. Fun banner!
    Happy Easter!
    Hugs- Tete

  6. Barbara Jean ~
    I LOVE your new banner!!
    It is so beautiful and so very much reflects what you do and your style ~


  7. Hi sweet are so right girl ~ this is one of my VERY favorites pieces of artwork you've created!! Wishing you a wonderful Easter dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  8. OMGosh, your new banner is fantastic!!! How did you do that? That's what I want!!!

  9. Just saying hi to you, Barb! I've been AWOL too!
    Hugs, Diane

  10. That looks like a great cookbook. It is so fun to find treasures of the past like that. Are the recipes hard or involved? I would think women spent more time in the cookbook than with Betty Crocker mixes like we do now!

  11. I love your collage, Barbara Jean! I adore all things bird, nest and egg related:) Don't you just love those old cookbooks? i have a very old one that belonged to my hubby's mom. Take care!

  12. I never tire from gazing at your creations--old or new. And I love the new banner with the four windows. I sing came by to visit me. Thanks!
    Easter Blessings ;-)

  13. Hi Barbara Jean,

    I love your collage and I bet that cookbook has a lot of black line drawings in it??

    Have a blessed Easter and lots of Pink Sparkles for your day,
    Stephanie ♥


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean