Friday, November 4, 2011

Pink Saturday Starfish

 Pretty pink flowers from our vacation.
 Below is the underbelly of a starfish eating.
If it might bother you, please do not scroll down.

We were on a pier and some kids were fishing.
They had something so heavy on their line it was going to break their pole.
They had a huge starfish on the line!!
Dad to the rescue. Got it up out of the water,
and high enough up to net it.

They gently dropped it on the pier.
Can you see the little fish (bait) in it's mouth??

They got it out, and then gently tossed the 
starfish back in the water, and it swam off.

This starfish was a foot wide, and had twenty tentacles!!!
And it was heavy!!!

Another simple little adventure we enjoyed on our vacation.
For more vacation pictures go Hereand Here Also

barbara jean
For more pinks click link below.


  1. Wow, never seen one like Glad it lived...beautiful! Looks like you had a good time.

  2. Hi Barbara,
    How are you? Good, I hope! Happy Pink Saturday!!! The starfish is amazing!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean