Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thought maybe if you were new here you might like
to know something about the artist who makes treasures for this blog.
That's me! =0))
Barbara  Jean

I love to create with a lot of different treasures I find.
I make my own bird nests, and am always looking for new
and unique homes for them
You know those birds will build a nest about anywhere.


Light fixtures.....

little silver (painted black) coasters....

jewelry box
(my sweet Granddaughter Isabel)
(sold. box not granddaughter) =)

Red Lantern(For Christmas?? add greenery around it)

plain little box...

To bird nest home.

Not sure how this overlap happened but love it!!
(both sold)


These were made into nests and.. sold.

So, it's time to get busy and make more nests.
blessings to all

barbara jean

Oh if you would like to try making some nests yourselves,
there are free tutorials on my side bar.
Be sure to show me if you make any.
I love to brag on you!


  1. So beautiful things, Barbara!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Oh, it was fun visiting here, Barbara Jean! You asked where I got the vintage pic at and it was one of my pins on Pinterest. It came from Victorian Trading Co. near as I can tell.
    Such a lovely blog you have!
    Happy New Year!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean