Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So Faaaar Behind......

So, I have all these new pics to show you....
treasures I have found.....
and things I have made....
 so here are a few quick pics.
cool case huh?
perfectly worn black leather.....
and look what I found inside.
surgical instrument??? you're not using that on me....
 Oh, body massager my sweet fella says.
That's a different story. But it weighs a ton!

 Here is a cute idea.
I took the 'guts' out of a sewing machine......
and used the stripped down base for a flower vignette.
(parts coming soon...for sale)
 Quick and easy project.
Tiny peat pot.
brush on white paint
 stuff in some moss, or anything really.

stamp some butterflies and flowers on side.....
add  trim....
and fill with lavender put in some tulle and tied shut.

A sweet little 'love' gift.
(Mom's day is coming you know)

Off and running.
Busy week getting ready for Vintage Marketplace.

blessings all
barbara jean


  1. OOOOHHHH... love those sweet little peat pots.... I think a trip to the nursery is in store for me....
    Cool case, weird instrument inside!
    Love the idea of using the sewing machine cabinet... what a clever gal you are!!! :o)

  2. I agree with you...that looks nasty!

  3. I love the case and the sewing machine! I have been seeing some cute ideas with sewing machine stands on Pinterest too!

  4. Your lavender baskets are a great idea. Very cute and practical.

  5. That little case is so cute and I threw away a couple of old sewing machines years ago. Couldn't sell them in my booth and no where to store everything! Shoot! Would've been cute in the garden.
    I have a stack of peat pots in the shed. Used them on Halloween to put vintage postcard images on them and some trim. They were real cute. Now I use them for seedlings....
    You always have great things and I love seeing what all you find!

  6. Looks like you have gotten lots of lovely accomplished Barbara Jean!

    Love that pretty sewing machine and those peat pots!

  7. Hi Barbara,
    Those peat pots are darling! And I can't wait to see the sewing machine parts. You know me and parts!
    xoxo, Karen


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Barbara Jean