Saturday, July 21, 2012

Heavy Treasures for the Garden

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My blogger friend Karen, the 
who lives in Washington, has just posted this great pic
 of the cultivator disc we have at the shop.
She was hoping to come down this summer, 
but she could not wait to get hers, so I shipped it.

Now, those of you who are visiting my site are wanting 
to know where my store is, I will put it on my side bar.
I also sell from my blog, so if you see
 something posted here you like just let me know.

So glad you like your disc Karen.

 blessings to all

barbara jean


  1. The color on it is gorgeous! :) have a lovely day. Tammy

  2. Good to know. I can't believe you found a way to ship that!!!!

  3. I adore it!! Thanks so much for shipping such an odd item in the mail!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean