Sunday, September 2, 2012

wonderful Stores in Astoria

 These are pics of a cute little store in Astoria,
Farmhouse Funk.    The owner, Denise, was delightful.
In addition to the store she has an event with extra vendors.

 She had alot of different areas in the store,
but I loved the red....
cute, cute, cute, kitchen area.

 This is a booth at another antique mall.
Loved this cute idea of the books over the entrance.
 This gal, Ambiance Vintage, had lots of great ideas,
and such cute displays. I could have taken pictures of every inch of it,
but I'm never sure how others feel about their spaces being shared.
so I am just sharing this couple of photos,
but if you are ever n Astoria,
you do not want to miss this store.
And this is what we saw in the window of a store
 that was not open till the next day..=(  (Yankee Trader)
So cute, and I could not get inside.
Can you believe all the stuff they have in just that one small area?
And don't miss that there is a car in the middle of it. 
so cute.

Thanks for coming by.
have a super day.
barbara jean


  1. What adorable booth spaces and shops Barbara Jean! THanks for sharing! I love all the different ideas out there!

  2. You can bet that if I'm up that way, I'll be checking these places out. Thanks for sharing Barb.

  3. It all looks like so much fun! Sorry you couldn't get in the Yankee Trader store--it looks great too!

    Take care,

  4. Lots of eye candy here! Look at that car front!

  5. Great pictures! And I agree, the books above the door way are a great idea!
    I will enjoy following your blog and I am looking forward to trying some of your tutorials.
    May the Lord richly bless you!

  6. How fun! I love Astoria. I am guessing that the first store was Farmhouse Funk. Denise is great - also has a larger store out at Gearheart. She hosts a vendors sale in spring or early summer. I always leave with a bag full (last time a car full.:) Yankee Traders is like a child with an espresso! There is soooo much. I love that area - oooh and in Astoria is a little place with the best fish-n-chips ever. Okay, I now have a hankerin' to get to the coast. I am glad you enjoyed. It's always fun to see what's out there.

  7. Looks like great places to visit - filled with treasures and inspiration. Wishing you a great week. Tammy

  8. Oh what a sweet shop! I see many items there I would love to have! I know you had lots of fun!

  9. The next time you go to Astoria, be sure to go to Vintage Hardware on 12th. It's the best shop in town! Lots of amazing re-purposed furniture, some antiques & architectural salvage. I go there & get pieces for my projects. The owners are fabulous! :)


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean