Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Springs & Crows

we recently got some, and have cut them into small useable pieces.
See part of one behind that rusty bucket??
Great to tuck in the garden too....
plants love to grow on them.....
 here is a bigger one in an old cart....
waiting for some other fun things to be thrown in around it.
 of course in the Fall, one of my fave things is crows....
These are available at the $ store (or tree)?
See how this one is sitting on a single coil of spring??
Single spring $2.00,
so this project is only $3.00....)
 close up of spring with Spanish moss on it.
a spring with a 'boo' on it and in a little vignette.
You can also sit little pumpkins on them, or candles.
or turn them on their side and put an old picture or mail.

 and you can sit crows on.......
in...or around anything...
old lanterns, boxes, sewing machine, typewriter....
even an old work belt.
Now...go decorate!!
Joining 100 ideas under $100...

blessings all
Beyond The Picket Fence


  1. Sorry ive been mia lately! Loving those springs & crows!!!!! As usual•great post! Check my newest post too! Tiff

  2. Oh, how nice.
    I usualy think crows are scary, but the way you 'use' them, they are really cute.

    I want to tell you I put a Translate button on my blog, so you can also read my blog. I do want to write my blog in English, but it will hold me back to express myself in the way I want. It's quite hard to do it the right way, you see.

    But maybe,...some day :-)


  3. What a fabulous idea! I'm just blown away with your creativity! Your projects are amazing.

  4. Love those springs! I've found a few here and there, but never an entire mattress full. Love your displays.


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Barbara Jean