Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Treasures for the Store

We just got back from a 3 day mini vacation/
anniversary celebration/ buying trip.
Here are some of the treasures we found.

This wonderful McCaskey Register is one of our finds.
It has somne missing parts and pieces,
but still so cool!!
I love the receipt holders!!!
bunches of these!!
 how about an old kerosene stove.....

or a wonderful old doll stroller
top back and there is our new baby....
 so old and sweet.
 We found spools of string.
I mean BIG spools!!
an old topping holder from a soda fountain...
light fixture....
and can you see the green garden cart
it is all sitting on???

 finally found more back plates......
have someone waiting for some of these.
LOVE this old toaster.
A bit different from any I have had.
They make great photo holders.....
and this one is dated Dec. 28, 1909!
 Here is a cute little cabinet.....

 old lamp and candy tin.
 bits of this and that....
 and this wonderful, green, cast iron door...

so, that's all for today.
Still getting things cleaned up and priced.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. It looks like you really found some neat stuff Barb! I love that toaster and green cap. I'm sure they'll sell quickly.

    Have a great day.

  2. You sure found some great treasures. The register has to be my favorite. The doll and buggy look like something "hanging around" at Morrow's. Thanks for sharing Barb.


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Barbara Jean