Monday, May 20, 2013

OK. I've been busy

 Yep. Not here very often.
Store has gotten very busy,
and I spend more time on FB no than on here.
I so appreciate those of you who have stuck it out,
and still visit me. 
I spend a lot of time shopping now too.
Sales are great, but taht means I HAVE to shop more. 
(and you know I love it!)
And this is prime shopping season around here.
Here are a few of my latest treasures....
Cool cast iron stove...

 Love this top thing....
 rust. YAY!!
 Still looking this one up to see what to sell it for.
 This is another great find.
A cream separator.
Still trying to find out about it also.
Takes a lot of time researching...

 Hard to see this, but it is an old garden cultivator.
Best one I have found yet. Has all parts.
 Cement urns. A must have in the garden season.
 Cast iron
and bits of this and that.

And this is only the tip of the good loot ice-burg.

I post all my new finds on FB...
and I ship small items.
Do hope you will visit me there.
I will still try to post here when I can.
And do parties when I can...
But that may happen more in winter.

Be blessed everyone.




  1. I have to get my butt over to your Facebook page! =) Love your new finds. Those pots are amazing!


  2. I remember that my grandma had a cream separator in the basement, but have no idea what happened to it. Most likely the parts were put in the barn and who knows? The space became the laundry room, with my mom's wringer washer and two wash tubs for rinsing. I think the tubs are still downstairs and may just ask my mom for them when I visit this week. Not that I want to actually use them for laundry!♥♫

  3. Love the cement urns! Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Shopping is always the FUN part of the business!

  4. Love all your finds and so glad you are busy...keep to see it all.

  5. Great finds, that cream separator would look so good in a farmhouse kitchen. All of your items are fantastic.


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Barbara Jean