Tuesday, July 1, 2014

 The top two pics today are obvious items....
the rest, a mystery to me.
If anyone knows what they are please let me know.
Would love to learn about them.

I got 6 30" wheels at a sale last weekend. great yard art.
And that huge saw blade too.
 we are going from huge to tiny.
A 2" Webster Dictionary.
so cute!!

Now for unknowns.
This item is brass, and about 9" high.
Two pieces on right are top and bottom to a second one of
whatever the one on the left is.

Here is the back..or I think it is the back.

LOVE this piece. some kind of light.
Has writing on it, so can look it up.
Just did not get it done for this post.
It has patent 1920 on it...cool.

  very old car parts.

And another I do not know what.
Looks like a crank for a boat, but really have not clue.
This is the back, I think...

any ideas??

blessings and than ks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, love the wheel and the rusty blade. I'm no help with identifying your mystery pieces, but they sure are fun. You find some great junk!


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Barbara Jean