Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Treasures and Creations

 We have gathered a lot of treasures lately,
 like this trundle bed back and ends.

 you know how I love my rust....
here are a few finds.

 old windows, boxes, buckets....garden treasures galore.

and this rusty old egg scale. LOVE!!

thanks for the visit.
be blessed


  1. Hi Barb - I always know that I can stop in at your blog or store to get my rusty goodness fix! Love your style!

  2. Great treasures. Love the clock!

  3. I love all the finds! I don't know where you go, but its hard to find all that cool around here anymore. Not without paying a high price tag. Love the clock.

  4. Hi Barbara, Wish I was in Oregon everytime I see your blog. Especially today! Gosh, the trundle bed and leather film case sure caught my eye. You always find the best!

    As far as finding the price for the leather film case, have you tried looking for a photograghy collectibles site? Just a thought.
    Good Luck!


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean