Thursday, April 16, 2015

School Bus Finds

We were pickin' a place out in the country,
and the fella told me where some items were
"out by the bus". What bus I said?
"The one in the blackberries over there."
So sure enough, other side of the blackberries was an old school bus.

And yes, school buses are yellow,
but inside they are my fave yummy green.
My sweet fella worked 4 hours to get these parts out.
The small panels in the first two pics.

And the dashboard!
  look at all the fun gauges
and the perfectly chippy rusty green paint.

and he even got the emergency door off!! yummy green inside,
 and school bus yellow on the outside. 

and here is the seat and base it goes on,
complete with the slider part for moving forward and back.
and look what great shape it is in.

Now to figure out prices for all of it.

Thanks for visiting.
Be blessed
PS visit us on FB.


  1. Wonderful finds, Barb. I love that shade of green too and the rust.

  2. That is just too cool. I'll have to share with my hubby. He's a school bus mechanic. =)


  3. Wow, love that green...neat finds.


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Barbara Jean