Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Challenge

I took the challenge, and have accomplished it!!

Last week someone new came into the store. Her name is Linda.
We had the nicest time just strolling through my little store, visiting, talking crafts, sharing ideas.

As she made her purchases, she said she had some things she had bought at garage sales 2 or 3 years ago and had yet to figure out a use for them and did I want them.

Those of you who know me a bit, know I am a 'scrounger'. I will take just about anything and everything and try to find a use for it.
A short time later, she was back!! She was carrying some woven cones, and 4 glass bottles.
We looked at them, and really, no great ideas came instantly to my head, as does sometimes happen.
She made her additional purchase, then left me with the 'treasures' and the challenge.
" Next time I come in I want to see something made out of those cones!"

Well, no pressure there. I just wished I'd asked her when she planned on coming back in. =0)

It wasn't but a short time later (no she did not come back in that soon), but I did get an idea for the jars. Will show them soon, still gathering supplies.

The cones were another thing.
I am not usually put under 'pressure' to create out of a certain thing in a certain span of time. C'mon brain. Think! Think!

OH!!!!! The light came on. How silly is this? I put bird nests in a lot of things, why not in a cone!!!! My gathering began, and I worked on them last night. Very cute, and I am relieved to have met the challenge. Will post the cones later today.

Oh, just thought of another project for the cones. Pin cushions! Well, you will just have to use that idea. I'm out of cones. =0)

Blessings on your day.
hugs to all,

Barbara Jean


  1. Can't wait to see how it turns out !

    Thanks you for the very kind words on my blog regarding my paintings - very sweet.



  2. hi Barb.. Glad you stopped by.. You are welcome to use anything..... help yourself

  3. Hi Barb... Glad you stopped in. You are welcome to use anything... Just help yourself...


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean