Monday, February 16, 2009

What is it? What will it be?

What is it??

Any one recognize this??

More to come in future posts.

(you can whisper in my ear if you know.)
OK. bottom left hand corner of this cabinet.

PLEASE. Tell me what it is???

I really don't know.
Blessings and smiles,

Barbara Jean


  1. Barb, can't wait to hear if anyone knows what it is! I've never seen anything like it. Is it 2 pieces?

  2. It looks like a vintage razor on a razor stand? I have seen them made from brass before.~Jacque

  3. would it be part of a a gentleman's shaving set? I mean, if it is in two pieces...

  4. It looks very interesting but I have no idea what it could be :)
    Thank you for visiting and for your lovely comments.


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Barbara Jean