Monday, April 20, 2009

Paper Flower Patterns

OK, here is a paper f lower i did with words on the petals. It turned out pretty good, and will really look great when there is a bird nest sitting in it. (maybe only thing is i would like the words to show up better. so maybe bigger piece of paper for words, or bigger words??)
I'm doing one on the lace paper now.

I copied the paper with the words on it, and posted it it here so you can just copy it and use it and not have to make a pattern of your won.
If you have any ideas of different words you would like to have, I can make more patterns, or, for you do it yourselves, i can tell you how i did it. Really nothing to it.
This is my first time posting anything this way, so I'm sure there are things i will need to improve on for next time.

Barbara Jean

I have tried several times to print out my photo so you could just use it, but it comes out dark, at least darker than i like. So, you can give it a try, or just make your own pattern, till i figure this all out.
more blessings


  1. Cute idea!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. This is such a wonderful project. I'm working on some M-day tutorials, using french sheet music too, for embellishing. I can't believe Mothers day is right around the corner...I still have Easter decor out!

    Sweet wishes,

  3. Barb, just catching up with you!
    The flower with the words looks wonderful! Also love your new framed piece with the nest! AND your smock! LOL!


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Barbara Jean