Monday, April 13, 2009

A gift from a friend

Just from our emails back and forth she knew how much i would love this 1896 fashion newspaper! And since she loves old things too, i know she was giving something she enjoyed.

The photo is of one of her bird she makes. She has wonderful eye for detail.
(click on pic to see wonderful detail, and at this site is more of her beautiful handwork)

That lovely green paper and pretty yarn was what the real treasure from her heart was in.

And here it is. This gorgeous card is one she made. It is toile fabric that she has embroidered to give parts of it more color and dimension. She did the card to match the tin off a popular candy container. Snipping the tin and punching it were very hard she said.
The card is made so i could clip the threads to take the card part off, and use the stitchery as an ornament.
Since there is a sweet note form her inside, I will leave it as is and enjoy the whole art together, as least for awhile.

Thank you all for letting me share my gift with you,
and blessings to all of you, near and far.

Barbara Jean


  1. That bird ornament is lovely! A super gift!

  2. So kind! Aren't people amazing, Barb. They renew our faith in the basic goodness of people.

  3. That card is beautiful! I LOVE the stitching on it. What a thoughtful gift:) Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. Thanks to your visitors and you, Barb.

    I cannot say more, the heart speaks better than words.Exchanges are benefic to the world!


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I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean