Friday, April 17, 2009

Prizes for Winners

New small nest on litle siver piece painted black.
About 4" across.

these are the prizes for the giveaway winners to choose from.
Remember this piece?
Turned into this? (about 6" wide)
You'll have to click on this to make sense of it. Couldn't find my other pic.
The little scoop is the one for the prize. Sorry, rustic not available.
Barbara Jean at mybackyardfence, chose the mystery box!! She's gonna' love it!!
(I'll show you what is in it later)

This box is a "mystery" prize!!

Not telling what will be in it, but it will be nice, or maybe fun, well, think you'll like it if you are brave enough to try it. =0)
These are my nests on tablespoon easels and the pink one is on a spoon that is lying down. There is also one on a tiny tree bark.
These are all small, but fun. Your choice. (Sandy chose the green bird and nest on the Tablespoon easel. Good choice!!!)
This was one of my first ones this year.
It is a nest in a wire and reed cone. Great choice Roslyn!! (You can see Roslyn's beautiful quilts by clicking on her name).
Here is one of my newest nests in a 6" paper flower. You can have the glove too if you'd like.
(this will also come with a little surprise) =0)
These two larger nests are for my nature lovers. They come on their own tree branch. =0)
Nest are 4-6" across, and they are attached to a longer branch, Maybe about 12".

Here how it works. Sandy Miller was the first prize winner, so she can choose first.
(Sandy, choose quickly. Those other two are just holding their breath!) =0)

Roslyn Atwood is the 2nd place winner, so after Sandy has made her choice I will post it and then Roslyn can choose.

Then 3rd, but certainly not last or least, is BJ Gibson.
OK Barbara Jean, put that patience on and pray those other two pick quickly so you can choose!

Everyone else!! Stay tuned for more fun coming soon. =0))

Blessings to all, and thanks for all your support and encouragement.

Barbara Jean

PS All nests not chosen by the winners will be up for sale. Let me know if you need prices.


  1. Barb,
    I like the nest's on the spoons do I choose 1 from them??
    please let me know

  2. Wow Barb! What wonderful choices! I know which one I would choose. Have a great day! Sheri from the store

  3. Oh my goodness! The nest on the door with the pearls just took my breath away!

  4. Barb,
    I like the spoon on the top right w/the lock and green eggs or the far left on top w/ the heart
    Thanks am looking forward to receiving it they're all so nice hard to choose!!

  5. Nicely done!! the ones on the tree branches are adorable!!!

  6. Everything you make/p\offer is lovely Barb so it's very hard to choose, of the nests I love the one in the wire reed with the pearl, but if someone else wants it I will be happy with the mystery!
    Thank you,


Hi. Thanks for coming by.
I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean