Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vintage ThingieThursday

Vintage Thingie Thursday is brought to you by Suzanne @Colorado Lady.
Be sure to go visit and see other wonderful vintage treasures.
OK. Here is quite a variety of vintage treasures from our little world.
The very top photo is my husband and I. At 60 ish, we are a very rare, vintage, and collectible item. There are a few nicks and bruises, inside and out, and time and love have smoothed out our rough edges a bit. We have been married 40 years,
and thanks to the Lord, growing and happy. ;0)

This next photo is Scott's grandmothers secretary. Very old, a bit beat up, but loved.
Although we are using it for display at the store, it is not for sale.
It is filled with vintage and non-vintage tea cups and treasures.

This is a few of the vintage lace, trims, and embroidery I have collected.
I make then into lovely treasures for the store. I love taking something that is old, and stained, and worn, and making it into something new to be adored and used for a few more years.
This is a vintage lamp base that i have added a hand-made bird nest to. So fun, vintage and unique! I love to add my nests to unusual finds. You know those birds, they will build a nest just about anywhere! =0)
A 1929 Radio. We are suing it for display at the store, and it is for sale.
Oops! How did that ugly heater get in there. Better edit better next time.

Hope you enjoyed our little vintage treasures.
Thank you Suzanne for hosting this fun event.

Barbara Jean

PS Don't miss out on our giveaway a few posts back.


  1. The radio is wonderful, just as well I don't know where your store is,LOL & it's probably out of my geographical area anyway!

  2. I love your vintage goodies Barb and you are the best in the BUNCH!!!! A sweet and kind friend you are....have a wonderful day, xxoo, Dawn

  3. Oh my gosh, Barabara Jean! You do have some beautiful things in your home. thanks for commenting on my blog. The eggs are just flat paper. Here is the template.

  4. Your vintage treasures are lovely! I especially like the bird and nest on the old lamp!!

    Take Care - Robin

  5. The linens had me drooling...then I saw the radio, and I think my heart may have skipped a beat! Beautiful!

  6. I love the vintagey secretary.. and the linens too! so pretty.. Happy VTT

  7. Where to begin...wonderful whitework linens, and I grew up with radio and television cabinetry. You have a lovely place here, I'll be back to explore.

  8. I just love your vintage things! What a great way to use the secretary.

    The lovely 60 year old items at the top of the post are the best though!

  9. Nice collection - and I love bird nests! I joined as a follower - interesting blog!

  10. You have lots of vintage goodies here! I love how you have your dishes displayed in the secretary. I had one of those and sold it, now, I wish I still had mine to put dishes in....loved your post today.

  11. I enjoy seeing how others display items - what fun photos!

  12. Oh I would take that radio home! Isn't it hard to get pieces in and wonder if you can bear to part with it? Sometimes I think to myself...well even if I don't get to eat this week... and least I can starve while sitting on this perfect chaise lounge!

    Thanks for introducing me to Vintage Thingie Thursday! I found Suzanne through you blog! :)


  13. Hi BJ....
    I love the photo of you and hubby...and, girlfriend, both of you look great to be 60'ish !!
    Enjoyed your post...
    xo bj

  14. I want that radio! How awesome!

  15. I loved all your vintage goodies but you have got to be the first one who put a picture of you and your husband in a post as antique or vintage Thingies. It gave me a good laugh. Very funny..., and I wish you many more years of vintage happiness.

  16. Happy 40 Years to you both! What a precious couple you are!
    Since my very favorite book in all the world is "The Velveteen Rabbit", the both of you don't look half bad for having a few scratches, nicks and bruises. In fact, the true test of being "real" is having lost a few whiskers or having a few patches where the hair has been rubbed off a bit.
    (((hugs))) C.

  17. WOW you've got some gorgeous treasures on display...i especially love the linens and the radio cabinet :)


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I'd love it if you left me a message.


Barbara Jean