Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Vintage Thingies Thursday

This particular piece i have had for awhile.
It took some time, and several of us barnstorming together to figure out what it was.
Any guesses??? It is about 6" high and 4" across.

Below and on the right is a vintage base to a brass lamp. (I do love brass and copper!)
The other pieces are new, but made to look old, like the PS 139 jars. with the sand in them.
A remeinder that God thinks of us more than there are grains of sand.

These are vintage baby dresses. I love anything vintage baby,
and try to keep some in the store whenever i can.

And this is a vintage purse. Cool huh?

And how about a vignette with the purse, some boots and an old metal phone.
Can you tell which are vintage and which not??

Blessings on your day.

barbara jean


  1. I'm just drooling over those vintage baby dresses! Darling!

  2. I have no idea what that first thing is.

    I remember we HAD a black phone just like that when I was in kindergarten!!!

  3. Ok, you got me on that first one--no idea of what it could be. And you made me think about my own baby dress that is packed away somewhere. Love the boots.

  4. Oh neat! I love shoes like that. I have no idea what that thingy could be LOL. Sorry. It looks like it has a cylindrical chamber, is it for perfume? Can that be removed? That's all I can guess lol.

    All the best,

  5. Love that purse. No idea what the first item is. Are you going to tell us??? =)

  6. I'll guess that it is a type of
    illuminated light fixture.
    Light source in the back and a
    missing front cover/picture.
    This is fun one and Happy VTT!

  7. I love the sweet baby dresses... But have no clue what the first thing is. Will you tell us? :)
    Happy VTT..have a great weekend.

  8. It looks like some kind of a light fixture to me, with a reflective surface behind the light. Whatever it is, I really like the shape.

  9. Beautiful baby dresses! I'm stumped on the first the boots are new!

    Great, fun post :)

  10. These are really great vintage items. Enjoyed your post.

  11. Oh those baby dresses! They are beautiful.
    That first photo might be some kind of candle holder frame for a porcelain lithophane( I think this is what you call it.)Now they make nightlights with porcelain pictures that show up with the light behind them.
    What is the string tied on to it for?

  12. Oh the dresses!!! LOVE THEM!!!
    Hugs! Lisa

  13. The baby dresses are so sweet and dainty.

  14. The baby dresses are so dainty and sweet - I wonder if they were for baptisms?

  15. Just love the baby dresses, they are so sweet hanging there. Thanks for participating in VTT. Sorry my comment is so late, I have been out of town.


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Barbara Jean